..By MAx member of :MPD: (c) 1998 MAx [4d5044]
1.What are packets.
2.Getting a http proxy.
3.How http proxy work.
4.How to secrure http packets.
5.How to edit what o's and mozilla info send.
6.Getting a socket proxy.
7.How socket proxy work.
9.Final note.
1.What are packets.
Packets are very simple on the net There are millions of user's now for
secrurity and other reasons there must be ways of establishing difference
between user's Thus is done by packets, Packets are used when ever u connect
to a remote server/system Its identify's who is connecting.
An example of a http packet.( [Connect from MAx.mpd.com]
[] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now ill tell u what it is saying if u dont know.
*Note*(Http packets is the way u are sending info through the web
browser whenever u connect to a server/mechine/site )
[connected from MAx.mpd.com]-This is my host
[]- is my ip
(Mozilla/4.05)- is the version of mozilla im using
(X11;I;Linux 2.0.32 i586)- Is The O's(operating system) And version of
the o's im running
[On december 2, 1998 at 14:34:45] - is day/year/time
Now u know how it works this is one way Hackers get all the info they
need on your computer to hack it.
Now we dont want this anymore THus anonymous proxies where invented to
give keep user's on the net secrure.Using anonymous proxies isnt
100% secrure as the hacker can still do means on getting your real
ip/host/os ill talk about that later but it makes it very hard for a hacker
to get your ip/host once behind a proxy.
Now http isnt the only means of packets there are also socket packets which
ill talk about later.
2.How http proxy work.
A http proxy works like server it is actuelly and what it does is when
setup in your browser when ever u want to go to sites.It will connect
to there proxy server first then the proxy server conncts to the site
u want to go to THus leaving no evendence of u on the site just the
proxy server.(Dont worry once u setup a proxy dont think u always have
to type in the proxy in first then go to there and type the site u want
too go to. :)It dont work like that once u have entered the proxy settings
in ya browser it will auto do the proxy for u all u have to do is surf the
net.(Setting up a http proxy descussed later)
3. Getting a http proxy
Http proxies are very easyly found on the net as there are many
commited Http proxy server's around that are free.
Ill give a list of some http proxies for your all sorry if your
country proxy isn't here just search on the net for (Http proxy)
and ull find one.
***Austria*** Port
cache02.netway.at :80
mail.ppl.co.at :8080
speth08.wu-wien.ac.at :8080
pong.ping.at :8080
proxy.gwbbs.net.au :80
chrome.one.net.au :8080
proxy.newave.net.au :8080
ws.edi.com.au :80
mimas.scu.edu.au :80
proxy.omcs.com.au :8080
albany.jrc.net.au :80
basil.acr.net.au :8080
cache-mar.belbone.be :80
conan.gocis.bg :8080
***Brazil*** :8080
sanan.com.br :8080
proxy.collegemv.qc.ca :8080
srvprx.cspaysbleuets.qc.ca :80
valliere.csvalliere.qc.ca :80
keeper.albertc.on.ca :8080
cproxy1.justice.gc.ca :80
proxy.cslouis-hemon.qc.ca :8080
gateway.kwantlen.bc.ca :80
cache1.worldcom.ch :8080
cache2.worldcom.ch :8080
cache3.worldcom.ch :8080
web-cache-2.cern.ch :80
proxy.span.ch :8080
gip-lausanne-nc.globalip.ch :80
gip-lausanne-cf2.globalip.ch :8080
gip-lausanne-cf1.globalip.ch :8080
proxy2.iso.ch :8080
proxy.iprolink.ch :80
proxy.szptt.net.cn :8080
***United States***
hpux.mesd.k12.or.us :8080
gatekeeper.ci.slc.ut.us :8080
episd.elpaso.k12.tx.us :8080
svc.logan.k12.ut.us :8001
proxy.eup.k12.mi.us :8080
svc.nues.k12.ut.us :8001
proxy.eup.k12.mi.us :8080
( :80
homnibus.nvc.cc.ca.us :80
et.mohave.cc.az.us :80
Note..This tutorial will teach a average day user how to keep all his
Esentual info limited so attacks from Hackers cant be made
SHouth outs: Myth leader of MPD u rule dude,All members of MPD, and
everyone else who i should shout out too u know who u are.
The topics..Esentual info limited so attacks from Hackers cant be made
SHouth outs: Myth leader of MPD u rule dude,All members of MPD, and
everyone else who i should shout out too u know who u are.
1.What are packets.
2.Getting a http proxy.
3.How http proxy work.
4.How to secrure http packets.
5.How to edit what o's and mozilla info send.
6.Getting a socket proxy.
7.How socket proxy work.
9.Final note.
1.What are packets.
Packets are very simple on the net There are millions of user's now for
secrurity and other reasons there must be ways of establishing difference
between user's Thus is done by packets, Packets are used when ever u connect
to a remote server/system Its identify's who is connecting.
An example of a http packet.( [Connect from MAx.mpd.com]
[] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now ill tell u what it is saying if u dont know.
*Note*(Http packets is the way u are sending info through the web
browser whenever u connect to a server/mechine/site )
[connected from MAx.mpd.com]-This is my host
[]- is my ip
(Mozilla/4.05)- is the version of mozilla im using
(X11;I;Linux 2.0.32 i586)- Is The O's(operating system) And version of
the o's im running
[On december 2, 1998 at 14:34:45] - is day/year/time
Now u know how it works this is one way Hackers get all the info they
need on your computer to hack it.
Now we dont want this anymore THus anonymous proxies where invented to
give keep user's on the net secrure.Using anonymous proxies isnt
100% secrure as the hacker can still do means on getting your real
ip/host/os ill talk about that later but it makes it very hard for a hacker
to get your ip/host once behind a proxy.
Now http isnt the only means of packets there are also socket packets which
ill talk about later.
2.How http proxy work.
A http proxy works like server it is actuelly and what it does is when
setup in your browser when ever u want to go to sites.It will connect
to there proxy server first then the proxy server conncts to the site
u want to go to THus leaving no evendence of u on the site just the
proxy server.(Dont worry once u setup a proxy dont think u always have
to type in the proxy in first then go to there and type the site u want
too go to. :)It dont work like that once u have entered the proxy settings
in ya browser it will auto do the proxy for u all u have to do is surf the
net.(Setting up a http proxy descussed later)
3. Getting a http proxy
Http proxies are very easyly found on the net as there are many
commited Http proxy server's around that are free.
Ill give a list of some http proxies for your all sorry if your
country proxy isn't here just search on the net for (Http proxy)
and ull find one.
***Austria*** Port
cache02.netway.at :80
mail.ppl.co.at :8080
speth08.wu-wien.ac.at :8080
pong.ping.at :8080
proxy.gwbbs.net.au :80
chrome.one.net.au :8080
proxy.newave.net.au :8080
ws.edi.com.au :80
mimas.scu.edu.au :80
proxy.omcs.com.au :8080
albany.jrc.net.au :80
basil.acr.net.au :8080
cache-mar.belbone.be :80
conan.gocis.bg :8080
***Brazil*** :8080
sanan.com.br :8080
proxy.collegemv.qc.ca :8080
srvprx.cspaysbleuets.qc.ca :80
valliere.csvalliere.qc.ca :80
keeper.albertc.on.ca :8080
cproxy1.justice.gc.ca :80
proxy.cslouis-hemon.qc.ca :8080
gateway.kwantlen.bc.ca :80
cache1.worldcom.ch :8080
cache2.worldcom.ch :8080
cache3.worldcom.ch :8080
web-cache-2.cern.ch :80
proxy.span.ch :8080
gip-lausanne-nc.globalip.ch :80
gip-lausanne-cf2.globalip.ch :8080
gip-lausanne-cf1.globalip.ch :8080
proxy2.iso.ch :8080
proxy.iprolink.ch :80
proxy.szptt.net.cn :8080
***United States***
hpux.mesd.k12.or.us :8080
gatekeeper.ci.slc.ut.us :8080
episd.elpaso.k12.tx.us :8080
svc.logan.k12.ut.us :8001
proxy.eup.k12.mi.us :8080
svc.nues.k12.ut.us :8001
proxy.eup.k12.mi.us :8080
( :80
homnibus.nvc.cc.ca.us :80
et.mohave.cc.az.us :80
(ok id say i gave out enough if ya local country not there go search
the net and if cant find use another country one that is close to u)
4.How to secrure Http packets
Like i said before this is a normal http packet
( [Connect from MAx.mpd.com]
[] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now to Make your ip and host anonymous to web browsing we are going to
use http proxy with ya browser.THis is done by going to ya options
and finding the info on proxy settings in thus put in all
avalable places in proxy setting etc.ftp,http,secruity,
Except leave sockets part blank THis isnt a socket proxy its a http
Now after setting up a proxy in the proxy settings and putting in the
port too.Our new packets will look like this.
( [Connect from The_proxies_host]
[The_proxies_ip] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now u might be thinking cool :) No longer have everdence of me on there
server but dam they know my o's and version of mozilla later on ill
descuse how to change that.U might also be thinking WOW now i can surf
100% secure on the net.U are not totally right.IF a hacker had a real
grunge on u.He has now the proxy u are using there ip/host
now if he wants to get your info that badly he would have to hack
the proxy server comapare the log time of the time u loged to the hacker's
site too the logs of your connection to the proxy server.THus is a real
big job and if pick a good proxy server they will be very secure from
attack's So your pritty much safe.
5.How to edit the o's and mozilla info send.
Ok if your using Ie this is how u would do it.
To see Original Settings
GOTO HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
User Agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; (Your Orginial Settings))
(Skip this Part here)
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
ProductName = Microsoft Windows 95
Version = Windows 95
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform
(Your Orignial Settings Here) = IEAK(Your Orignial Settings Here)
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform
Myth [Unix-Base] = IEAKMyth [Unix-Base]
*Note (this info on how to change the mozilla and version shown was
given to me from Myth i didn't make it.)
6.Getting a socket proxy.
Ok now socket proxies work like Http proxies the only diff is
socket proxies are used with programs like (icq,mirc) And the packets
are send through sockets not http.Getting a socket proxy is alot harder
because Socket proxy server's have to be dedicated to a sertain program
so its very limiting to the amount of user's he will get.
Http is always used its using the web everyone uses it so http proxies
are always going to be in need.
TO find a socket proxy u can search the net typing in (Socket proxy)
or try for sertain program's names like (Icq proxy).
Hopefully u will get one
socket proxies are useful as alot of attacks on user's are done
by kids with nukes,spring,ping,smurf,etc etc And thus will anoy a user
in mirc or from icq both these programs give any user possability to
get a user's ip/host.
thats why if u use these u will want a socket proxy.
Alot of people go why dont u just use ident or jizz or something
for mirc and icq.Well the reason u don't as there are expolits out
there to crash spoofed hosts/ip for programs like jizz and ident
a proxy is more stable way and more prevention then a spoofer program.
the net and if cant find use another country one that is close to u)
4.How to secrure Http packets
Like i said before this is a normal http packet
( [Connect from MAx.mpd.com]
[] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now to Make your ip and host anonymous to web browsing we are going to
use http proxy with ya browser.THis is done by going to ya options
and finding the info on proxy settings in thus put in all
avalable places in proxy setting etc.ftp,http,secruity,
Except leave sockets part blank THis isnt a socket proxy its a http
Now after setting up a proxy in the proxy settings and putting in the
port too.Our new packets will look like this.
( [Connect from The_proxies_host]
[The_proxies_ip] (Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11;I;Linux 2.0.34 i586) on December
2, 1998 at 14:34:45 )
Now u might be thinking cool :) No longer have everdence of me on there
server but dam they know my o's and version of mozilla later on ill
descuse how to change that.U might also be thinking WOW now i can surf
100% secure on the net.U are not totally right.IF a hacker had a real
grunge on u.He has now the proxy u are using there ip/host
now if he wants to get your info that badly he would have to hack
the proxy server comapare the log time of the time u loged to the hacker's
site too the logs of your connection to the proxy server.THus is a real
big job and if pick a good proxy server they will be very secure from
attack's So your pritty much safe.
5.How to edit the o's and mozilla info send.
Ok if your using Ie this is how u would do it.
To see Original Settings
GOTO HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
User Agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; (Your Orginial Settings))
(Skip this Part here)
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
ProductName = Microsoft Windows 95
Version = Windows 95
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform
(Your Orignial Settings Here) = IEAK(Your Orignial Settings Here)
GOTO HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform
Myth [Unix-Base] = IEAKMyth [Unix-Base]
*Note (this info on how to change the mozilla and version shown was
given to me from Myth i didn't make it.)
6.Getting a socket proxy.
Ok now socket proxies work like Http proxies the only diff is
socket proxies are used with programs like (icq,mirc) And the packets
are send through sockets not http.Getting a socket proxy is alot harder
because Socket proxy server's have to be dedicated to a sertain program
so its very limiting to the amount of user's he will get.
Http is always used its using the web everyone uses it so http proxies
are always going to be in need.
TO find a socket proxy u can search the net typing in (Socket proxy)
or try for sertain program's names like (Icq proxy).
Hopefully u will get one
socket proxies are useful as alot of attacks on user's are done
by kids with nukes,spring,ping,smurf,etc etc And thus will anoy a user
in mirc or from icq both these programs give any user possability to
get a user's ip/host.
thats why if u use these u will want a socket proxy.
Alot of people go why dont u just use ident or jizz or something
for mirc and icq.Well the reason u don't as there are expolits out
there to crash spoofed hosts/ip for programs like jizz and ident
a proxy is more stable way and more prevention then a spoofer program.
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